Humanity is undergoing a consciousness shift which requires a whole new re-education of values and changes of priority in how we live and think.
Waking up simply means what we once believed to be true no longer is. Our awareness becomes heightened and things feel wrong.
Those who don’t question this, those who follow the herd are actually still asleep to the reality which others can see.
If we are not conscious we are not able to tap into higher levels of awareness, thus not able to see things from this level of perception.
Reality will look completely different, creating the divisions we see everywhere today.
Operating from higher levels of consciousness, and by staying present and in the moment is the first step.
This can be done through creativity of any sort, and by practising what gives us joy, along with ample time in nature and meditation.
This helps raise our vibration, and it keeps our frequencies high, allowing more of the same to return to us. This is known, as the law of cause and effect. This is a natural law which we can’t escape from.
With practice this becomes a way of living and our consciousness will continue to shift. Events and circumstance will be brought into our awareness to help with those leaps.
It is important to be aware that these shifts will occur with both positive and negative events in our lives. We grow from both, this for many people is the conundrum.
In fact our largest leaps occur during times of what we may call negative and stressful. These times are always bridges to higher levels of awareness.
They offer the gift of seeing and thus clearing our own hidden shadows. (TRIGGERS)
Running from them does not help.
Like the warriors we are, we must face them head on.
We do this by allowing ourselves to feel.
Acknowledging and feeling our triggers helps to move them from us. They are usually layered, since we carry within our DNA the injustices of our ancestors, as well as our souls other incarnations.
Therefore these same patterns will appear over and over until they are completely cleared. Be patient with yourselves, as you have so much access to inner knowing once you are able to clear. Your vibration will naturally raise, and it will become aligned with everything you need to continue on your path of awakening, allowing you to complete your mission in this lifetime.
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