Inventors of Computer Hardware: -
1:Key board— Herman Hollerith, first keypunch devices in 1930’s
2:Transistor— John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley ( 1947-48)
3:RAM— An Wang and Jay Forrester (1951)
4:Trackball— Tom Cranston and Fred Longstaff (1952)
5:Hard Disk— IBM , The IBM Model 350 Disk File (1956 )
6:Integrated Circuit— Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce ( 1958)
7:Computer Mouse — Douglas Engelbart (1964)
8:Laser printer— Gary Starkweather at XEROX in1969.
9:Floppy Disk— Alan Shugart &IBM( 1970)
10:Microprocessor— Faggin, Hoff & Mazor – Intel 4004 (1971)
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1:Key board— Herman Hollerith, first keypunch devices in 1930’s
2:Transistor— John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley ( 1947-48)
3:RAM— An Wang and Jay Forrester (1951)
4:Trackball— Tom Cranston and Fred Longstaff (1952)
5:Hard Disk— IBM , The IBM Model 350 Disk File (1956 )
6:Integrated Circuit— Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce ( 1958)
7:Computer Mouse — Douglas Engelbart (1964)
8:Laser printer— Gary Starkweather at XEROX in1969.
9:Floppy Disk— Alan Shugart &IBM( 1970)
10:Microprocessor— Faggin, Hoff & Mazor – Intel 4004 (1971)
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